Oeiras Band Sessions 2024
(Band Contest Rules)
Article 1 - Object
This document defines the rules for the participation of bands in the “Oeiras Band Sessions 2024”
Article 2 - Purpose
This initiative aims to make the musical production of the bands public, stimulate the artistic creation of young people and promote sociocultural exchange.
Article 3 - Recipients
All projects that meet one of the following characteristics in Oeiras* can apply:
One of the members resides in the Council
The project will rehearse regularly in the Municipality
Act regularly in an area of the Municipality
Have an artistic intersection with a cultural project in the Municipality
*Elements over 15 years old
Article 4 - Registration and Participation Conditions
Registration will be free and to participate in the “Oeiras Band Sessions 2024” interested parties must present the following elements:
4.1. A duly completed registration form (at nirvanastudios.com/obs) , accompanied by a small
history and photocopy of ID or Citizen Card of the band members;
4.2. Model with two themes of his authorship in digital recording (Mp3, CD, DVD, etc.).
The total duration time cannot exceed 20 minutes.
It is recommended to observe the quality of the recording, as the poor quality may compromise the identification of the song with damage to the evaluation and consequently to the classification.
4.3. The models presented must be accompanied by the respective lyrics, referring to the name of the authors of the lyrics and music, together with the registration form that exists for this purpose.
4.4. Themes can be written and sung in any language.
4.5. The competing bands must interpret the themes presented in the Maqueta, and must inform the organization if they choose not to do so.
4.6. The competing bands authorize, upon registration and participation, the live recording (in audio and video) of the show and CD/DVD edition for free distribution, with the authors automatically agreeing tacitly, not being able to claim copyright.
4.7. The bands are responsible for the lyrics and music in the contest, assuming therefore before the entities all responsibility for their use.
4.8. The organization will not support any expenses of the participating bands (transport, accommodation, etc.).
Article 5 - Registration
5.1. Entries must be sent to the email oeirasbandsessions@nirvana.pt (they must be converted to MP3 and placed in a compressed file) or sent by registered mail to “Oeiras Band Sessions 2024” Nirvana Studios, Estrada Militar 66, 2730-226 Barcarena , in both cases accompanied by the registration form available at nirvana.pt/obs , duly filled in and other data mentioned above.
5.2. The works will be considered as long as they arrive at the mentioned place until the 12th of May, in the case of sending by post, the date of registration at CTT is valid.
5.3. So that there are no errors in the applications, bands are asked to confirm that they are registered, via tel. 93 823 66 33 (from 9 am to 9 pm) .
Article 6 - Jury
6.1. The performance of the bands will be evaluated by a suitable jury, made up of a minimum of 5 impartial elements linked to the musical environment and representatives of the organization or to whom it delegates.
6.2. Juries will evaluate originality, stage presence and the quality of musical performance, interpretation and composition.
6.3. The decisions of the jury are irrevocable and cannot be subject to any type of appeal.
Article 7 - Selection and Dissemination of Bands
7.1. From all the models received, the organization will select 5 bands, having as criteria only the evaluation of the songs presented in the referred models.
7.2. The selected bands will be notified by telephone and/or to the e-mail address indicated in the respective registration forms.
Article 8 - Contest Format
8.1. The order of performance of the bands will be previously established, by drawing lots and will be unalterable;
8.2. The contest will have 1 day of action. The final will be played between the five selected bands.
8.3. In each performance the bands must play a maximum of 20 minutes.
8.4. The competing bands must play original themes, being able to play only one cover theme as a warm up.
8.5. The performance of the bands cannot be done in playback.
8.6. The delay or lack of appearance of the competitors implies their disqualification;
8.7. After the performance of the bands, voting takes place to classify them, through a jury and the public.
8.8. The final classification, in addition to counting on the jury, will count on a public vote, which is worth 20% of the votes.
Article 9 – Awards
1st place:
A Band Box - An exclusive rehearsal room with 24/7 use for 6 months
Performance at the festival Nos Alive 2024
Dissemination of videos and images through the Web and media
2nd place:
A Band Box - An exclusive rehearsal room with 24/7 use for 3 months
Performance at the Festivals of Oeiras 2024 (date to be announced)
Dissemination of videos and images through the Web and media
3rd place:
Performance at the Festivals of Oeiras 2024 (date to be announced)
Dissemination of videos and images through the Web and media
Possibility of having more prizes, to be announced during the event
Article 10 - Technical Support
10.1. Sound, lighting and backline equipment will be available as well as sound and lighting technicians. The backline consists of drums, two guitar amps and a bass amp, whose use will be common to all performances, and the selected bands must send, if they have, their technical raider.
10.2. The competing bands must be present strictly at the time set by the organization for the sound rehearsal.
Article 11 – Doubts, Omissions and Final Provisions
11.1. Any doubts and omissions that may arise will be resolved by the organization.
11.2. The participating bands, in order to comply with the provisions of Art.º 41 of the Copyright and Related Rights Code, must authorize in writing, at the time of registration.
11.3. Participation in the contest presupposes full acceptance of these regulations.
11.4. The bands that participate in the competition agree to comply with all the instructions given by the organization during the competition.
11.6. The falsity of the data provided will be the reason for automatic elimination from the Contest.
Article 12 - Contacts “Oeiras Band Sessions 2024”
Mobile: 93 823 66 33 (from 9 am to 9 pm)
Phone: 21 806 38 90 (from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm)
Email: oeirasbandsessions@nirvana.pt
Regulation subject to change